Advanced Excel Training Courses

AI in Excel Using ChatGPT And Copilot The potential opportunities offered by AI are enormous, but how do you apply them to reap their benefits in Microsoft Excel? This course will help to unveil the power of artificial intelligence, exploring key concepts, applications, and cutting-edge tools like ChatGPT and Copilot. Participants will gain practical skills in using AI and learn Prompt Engineering techniques to carry out intermediate and advanced tasks in Excel.
Microsoft Office Excel Advanced This Microsoft Excel advanced course will extend your knowledge into some of the more specialized and advanced capabilities of Excel by using the data analysis and business intelligence features. You will learn how to use the newer functions and features including PivotTables and Power Pivots for analysis of large data sets. Using Get and Transform functions are always popular sections on the course, as well as a first look at creating Macros using the powerful point and click features available in Microsoft Excel.
Rolling Forecasts with Excel This course is designed to equip participants with the concepts and tools from which a model can be prepared which can be changed easily and automatically as business change requirements dictate. Changing external economic conditions can be reflected in KPI's easily and quickly and this process iterated continuously (e.g. every quarter). The rolling aspect implies that the model produced during the day (an 18 month rolling forecast) is quickly adaptable to changing business circumstances and can be run as often as required.
Supercharge your Excel skills with Python and OpenPyXl This course is for people who are proficient at Excel and want to add in the power of Python, the world's best programming language for data analytics.

It assumes no experience with programming and will start by demonstrating how to set up a development environment. It will then cover the basic programming required to work with Python, followed by a walk-through of the facilities that are available in OpenPyXl - the main library for working with Excel from Python. It will conclude with some practical examples to demonstrate the extra power that Python can give you when working with Excel.

Business Plan Modelling using Excel Effective business planning is fundamental to success in business. Building the plan model is the first step in transforming ideas into tangible reality. A well-organised plan should tell you if the concepts make sound business sense. It is easier to compete for support and resources with the aid of a convincing plan.
Data Analysis - Excel 365 – Dynamic Array Formulas (a game changer), Pivot Table Techniques, Macros and beyond Excel 365 has heralded an explosion in the tools available for reporting and analysis in accounting. This course will provide a detailed introduction to these new tools showing what they do, how they operate and providing real world examples. Where appropriate, we will contrast how these real world issues would have been handled in ‘legacy’ (i.e. pre 365) Excel. Dynamic Array Formulas will be explored in detail, exploring their full functionality. The course will also present useful and practical techniques to enhance skills in more familiar areas; like Charting, and Formatting, Pivot Tables and Macros.
Data Analysis - Excel 365 – Power Query, Power Pivot, Dashboard Production and beyond Excel 365 has heralded an explosion in the tools available for reporting and analysis in accounting. This course will introduce two of the most powerful Excel tools - Power Query and Power Pivot and then use those techniques (with standard Excel skills) to produce an Excel Dashboard. We will examine Excel tools for ‘What if’ and newer techniques in the very important data analysis areas of LOOKUP (especially XLOOKUP) and FILTERING. The course will complete using the Excel Dashboard we created to communicate the results via exchanges between Excel and PowerPoint.
Programming in VBA - Using Microsoft Excel The skills and knowledge acquired in this course are sufficient to be able to create real life working VBA applications within Excel. The learner will be able to work with VBA within the Excel environment to program and automate worksheet operations. Users of Excel up to Office 365 can be facilitated.
Excel Macros from A to Z using VBA This course refreshes the skills of Advanced users of Excel on the basics of Macros, then builds on the knowledge of participants to enable them to create, vet and edit Macros effectively and accurately using VBA.